Admissions & Enrollment
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.
Dream deep, for every dream leads the goal.
We believe that the future of the world starts here. The session of 2019-20 was a great year, and I consider it a moment of pride to showcase to you all the achievements and development that the school, staff and students undertook.
The school currently has a strength of 718 students, 43 academic staff, 3 administrative staff and 5 multi-tasking staff.
Excellence in academics is the hallmark of a good institution and the class X and XII results of the school prove without an iota of doubt that our students have made us proud. The key highlights of class tenth are:
1. 100% pass results
2. Top scores in subjects are shown on the slide.
Yogina was the topper, achieving 90%.
Akash Banger was the second highest scorer, 89%
Yogita got third place with 87%.
Student Achievement Programs
To ensure that our students are equipped to face any challenge, we have focused on few Student Enrichment programs which is as follows:
Procter & Gamble Awareness Program for Mothers and Daughters
Career Counseling for Parents and Students
Lectures by Invited Alumni
Carrier Counseling for Class XII by experts of Ramgharia Institute.
5. Seminar for Carrier Guidance provide to students by GNA University Experts.
6. Some of our students won prizes and certificates from Bi-Lingual Institute, Jalandhar.
7. Our students were second runner up in Pratibad Event organized by GNA University.
Moving on to Motivation tours, our students visited the Science City situated at Kapurthala.
For History Recall students visited Jang-e-Azadi at Kartarpur.
Various clubs are introduced for skill development and to generate inquisitiveness and interest and encourage students to bring out creativity.
Teachers Empowerment Programs:
“Teachers are also learners.” Staying updated is the key to success in any field, especially, in education. Our teachers constantly strive to stay updated by attending workshops & various training Programs.
Celebration of Events
Along with these, various events are celebrated with a lot of vigour and fun. Some of them are:
1. Republic Day
2. Independence Day
3. Yoga Day
4. Summer Camp
5. Teachers’ Day
6. Sports Day
7. Children’s Day
8. Dusheera
9. Diwali
10. Investiture Ceremony
Besides these, a lot of events were also conducted, such as:
1. Swacch Bharat Abhiyan, conducted regularly on Saturdays
2. Plantation
3. Rashtriya Ekta Divas
New Initiatives
With gaining knowledge and conducting contests, many events are celebrated. These events are not only educational but also fun. Some of the initiatives taken this year are:
1. Vann Mahotsav
2. Pustak Mahotsav
3. Measles & Rubella Vaccination
And a lot more concepts were introduced.
Events Cutting Across Groups
To improve upon and inspire an individual is great, but greater still is inspiring a group, and with this in in our mind, we organize Parent Orientation and PTAs.
School Improvement Programs
Constant improvement is the key to success. In this endeavour, we have introduced a few infrastructural and other developments:
1. Designer Flexs in KG VN
2. PA System
3. CCTVs in all locations
4. Incinerator
5. White Wash of the Building
To conclude, this year, we all took more collective step towards our vision, and while one step was taken, many more are to go, and it is certainly achievable.
Thank you.